The Figure has been the most depicted subject in the art world. For thousands of years, it served to record and mirror people’s existence. But in the twentieth century, it turned into a subject viewed and valued through personal binoculars.
"I have been using the traditional method of bronze casting to create contemporary large raw figurative works. My sculptures are metaphors for the timeless issues of the human condition that are more relevant to our time. The figures project conflict and duality, resonating the struggle we have in today’s isolating climate and our perpetual need to reach out to the other.
"I keep wondering about the need to cross-over boundaries and our ability to overcome what seems insurmountable. The ability to rise is connected, in my eyes, to yearning, one of the more complex emotions that drive us. Yearning that interweaves sorrow with desire for change does not cease to provide me with creative imagery."
Artist’s Statement, 2021